A Wednesday Workshop: Applying Aldo Leopold’s Land Ethic in Northwest Philadelphia

Wednesday, November 9, 2016 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

“The land ethic simply enlarges the boundaries of the community to include soils, waters, plants, and animals, or collectively: the land.” — Aldo Leopold

In his book "A Sand County Almanac," author Aldo Leopold described the “land ethic,” a moral responsibility of humans to care for people and the land, and strengthen the connections between them. This idea is extremely relevant in today’s society, but it can be difficult to define, discuss, and implement.

What did Aldo Leopold mean by a land ethic? How do we apply this concept in an urban environment, and in Northwest Philadelphia in particular? This workshop will begin with a reading, and continue with open ended discussion led and facilitated by Scott Quitel, founder of the LandHealth Institute.

Register HERE.

Join us weekly on Wednesday evenings for workshops that will inspire and enable a stronger connection of our homes and lifestyles to nature and community. From how-to workshops on topics of self-sufficiency and urban homesteading todiscussions about gardening for biodiversity, Wednesday night programs will guide us in methods of creating more sustainable, connected, and personally satisfying ways of modern living.

Organizer Name: 
The Weavers Way Membership Dept.
Organizer Phone: 
215-843-2350 ext. 118
Organizer Email: 

Weavers Way Mercantile

Location Address: 

Weavers Way Mercantile, 542 Carpenter Ln, Philadelphia, PA 19119